SavvyCal API
SavvyCal API
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A representation of an event scheduled via SavvyCal.


This resource includes the following properties:

Property Type Description
id string The event ID.
state string The event state (either awaiting_approval, awaiting_checkout, confirmed, tentative, canceled, declined, or checkout_expired).
summary string The summary (title) of the event.
description string The description of the event.
additional_info string | null The contents of the “Additional Info” field.
location string The location of the event.
created_at string The ISO-8601 timestamp when the event was created.
start_at string The ISO-8601 timestamp when the event starts.
end_at string The ISO-8601 timestamp when the event end.
duration integer The length of the event (in minutes).
canceled_at string | null The ISO-8601 timestamp when the event was canceled.
cancel_reason string | null The reason the event was canceled.
rescheduled_at string | null The ISO-8601 timestamp when the event was rescheduled.
reschedule_reason string | null The reason the event was rescheduled.
original_start_at string The ISO-8601 timestamp when the event originally started.
original_end_at string The ISO-8601 timestamp when the event originally ended.
conferencing Event Conferencing An object containing conferencing info.
link Scheduling Link Preview | null The scheduling link used to book the event (if applicable).
poll Meeting Poll Preview | null The meeting poll used to book the event (if applicable).
scope Scope Preview | null The scope of the scheduling link or meeting poll (if applicable).
scheduler Event Attendee | null The scheduler of the event (if applicable).
organizer Event Attendee The organizer of the event.
attendees array of Event Attendee A list of all event attendees (including the scheduler and organizer).
payment Payment | null The payment info for the event (if applicable).
metadata object An object containing custom metadata attached to the event.
url string The URL of the SavvyCal event.
location_settings array of Location Settings The settings that were configured in SavvyCal that determine the location.
description_settings array of Description Settings Several toggles to enable and disable certain text in the event body.
buffer_before integer The number of minutes before the event that you wish to keep open.
buffer_after integer The number of minutes after the event that you wish to keep open.
is_group_session boolean Whether the event is a group session.
maximum_group_size integer The maximum number of schedulers allowed in the event.


Here is an example representation of this resource:

"id": "event_XXXXXXXXXX",
"state": "confirmed",
"summary": "Joe Organizer and Sally Scheduler",
"description": "Let's find a time to chat!",
"additional_info": "This is a meeting to go over important matters.",
"location": "",
"conferencing": {
"type": "zoom",
"meeting_id": "XXXXXXXX",
"join_url": "",
"instructions": "Joe Organizer is inviting you to a meeting..."
"created_at": "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"start_at": "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"end_at": "2020-01-01T00:30:00Z",
"duration": 30,
"canceled_at": null,
"cancel_reason": null,
"rescheduled_at": null,
"reschedule_reason": null,
"original_start_at": null,
"original_end_at": null,
"link": {
"id": "link_XXXXXXXXXX",
"name": "Quick Chat",
"private_name": "VIP Chat",
"slug": "chat"
"scope": {
"id": "scope_XXXXXXXXXX",
"name": "Joe Organizer",
"slug": "joe"
"scheduler": {
"id": "attendee_XXXXXXXXXX",
"email": "",
"display_name": "Sally Scheduler",
"time_zone": "America/Chicago",
"response_status": "confirmed",
"is_organizer": false,
"is_scheduler": true,
"fields": [{
"id": "field_XXXXX",
"type": "text",
"label": "What are we discussing today?",
"value": "The price of Bitcoin"
"organizer": {
"id": "attendee_XXXXXXXXXX",
"email": "",
"display_name": "Joe Organizer",
"first_name": "Joe",
"last_name": "Organizer",
"phone_number": null,
"time_zone": "America/Chicago",
"response_status": "confirmed",
"is_organizer": true,
"is_scheduler": false,
"fields": []
"attendees": [
"id": "attendee_XXXXXXXXXX",
"email": "",
"display_name": "Sally Scheduler",
"first_name": "Sally",
"last_name": "Scheduler",
"phone_number": null,
"time_zone": "America/Chicago",
"response_status": "confirmed",
"is_organizer": false,
"is_scheduler": true,
"fields": [{
"id": "field_XXXXX",
"type": "text",
"label": "What are we discussing today?",
"value": "The price of Bitcoin"
"id": "attendee_XXXXXXXXXX",
"email": "",
"display_name": "Joe Organizer",
"first_name": "Joe",
"last_name": "Organizer",
"phone_number": null,
"time_zone": "America/Chicago",
"response_status": "confirmed",
"is_organizer": true,
"is_scheduler": false,
"fields": []
"metadata": {
"user_id": 123
"url": "",
"payment": {
"state": "paid",
"url": "",
"amount_total": 50000,
"amount_subtotal": 45000,
"amount_discount": 0,
"amount_tax": 5000,
"amount_shipping": 0
"location_settings": [
"type": "zoom",
"instance_id": "instance_XXXXXXXXXX",
"description_settings": {
"include_attendees": true,
"include_link_name": true,
"include_fields": true
"buffer_before": 60,
"buffer_after": 60,
"is_group_session": false,
"maximum_group_size": 1